Ali Grace

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Went to church with Kimi!

I went to church with Kimi and I gave my offering for the kids that had the flooded houses and the people that do not have their houses anymore and the people that don't have their dogs...Well I'm just praying for all the people. I guess I was good cause I got 18 "Bible Bucks" to spend in the store. I got to go to the 3rd grade room with Kimi and it was super fun! Mom went to "big people" church- she said she had fun too! I gotta go I'm so tired that I'm going to have to do my nightly homework tomorrow , that means 2 nights in 1! I am so excited I can't wait for Faith and Aunt Holli to come tomorrow- it's been forever since I've seen them. I bet Faith won't know me. I can't wait to hear Faith talk!! I Will go say my prayers and pray for the flooded people.


  • At 11:56 AM, Blogger hollibobolli said…

    We can't wait to see you - only 5+ hours and counting.. and no way will Faith not know you.. she sees your picture on our fridge every night during the Bot Bot runs.. and screams "AliAliAliAliAli!!!!"

    We love you.

  • At 4:03 PM, Blogger Jan said…

    ((((((HUGS)))))) to Ali for caring about other people. God bless you and keep you and all you care about away from harm.

  • At 10:17 PM, Blogger hollibobolli said…

    um, i think i need to show you how to delete spam comments.. i will when you update your BLOG!


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